“Mental health issues are as normal as physical health issues. At some point in our life all of us face problems related to mental health. Be kind to yourself & be kind to the world.” – Suchandra Chatterjee (Calcutta Rescue social worker and counsellor, MA in Clinical Psychology Calcutta University, Diploma in Psychiatric Counselling from Indian Psychoanalytical Society)

According to a report published on Deccan Herald on April, West Bengal Government helpline received 92,000 calls on abuse & violence in just 11 days. The pandemic may have increased the opportunities for people who are already abusing to control & coerce women & children in their homes to a greater degree- micromanaging who they talk to, when they eat, when they sleep, when they go out and this is all made harder & more frightening in the context of the pandemic.
8 Tips To Control Your Mental Health Given By Suchandra
- Focus on what is under your control rather than what you cannot control
- Adopt a regular new routine at home or at work.
- Try to maintain good health- work out or yoga whatever fits you.
- Do things that you enjoy - find a hobby.
- Limit exposure to news & social media- absolutely no need to overload on stressful news.
- Stay connected with people- these days most of us have an internet connection. Talk to your friends and ask how they are doing.
- Practice empathy & compassion, find ways to contribute & assist those who need the most support in this crisis.
- those who need the most support in this crisis. Seek help, reach out if needed.
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