Jonathan Reisman MD – Jonathan is a physician currently practicing in the Philadelphia area. He volunteered for CR in Kolkata as a medical student, and started CR-USA when he returned home. He is also a writer. Read more about Jonathan at:
Asok Baral – originally from Kolkata, and an engineer by profession, Asok has spent about forty years working on major projects around the world for multinational corporations. He is currently retired and lives in New Jersey.
Aliva De MD – originally from Kolkata, Aliva is a former volunteer for Calcutta Rescue and a practicing physician in New York city.
Jon Stypula – Jon has visited CR projects on the ground multiple times and is a businessman in Los Angeles.
Vivian Reisman JD – Vivian is a businesswoman and lawyer in New Jersey.
Ramona Lall PhD – originally from Kolkata, Ramona is a public health specialist in New York City.